<< Go Back To Articles Directory If your doctor recently diagnosed you with having eczema, he or she will discuss the importance of proper skincare. Two important topics covered will include moisturizers and bathing. With bathing in particular, all eczema sufferers must proceed with caution. Generally, medical professionals advise against prolonged bath and showers. Too many baths or shower without the proper moisturizer afterwards can lead to dry skin. Dry skin is an eczema patient's worst nightmare, as it usually leads to another outbreak. Although doctors typically advise against prolonged bath and showers, they do recommend short ones. In fact, proper bathing is an effective way to treat the symptoms of eczema. When you take a bath or shower, your body gets much needed moisture. The key, however, is to lock that moisture in. That is why the application of skincare creams and lotions are recommended immediately following a bath. When attempting to lock in moisture following a bath, there are a number of steps you must take. We are so used to drying off after a shower or bath, but you don't want to do this. Instead, use a towel to dab your body. Remove any water droplets, but don't wipe your entire body dry. Remember, you want to have some moisture to lock in. After lightly using a towel to dry the skin, apply lotion or cream. Speaking of lotions and creams, make your choice wisely. Scented lotions are nice, but they may make your eczema worse. Some of the chemicals found in scented health and beauty products leads to skin irritation, which is what you want to avoid. It is best to opt for all-natural health and beauty products instead, or at least non-scented ones. Returning back to your bath or shower, make it short. One shower or bath a day should be enough to keep your body clean. More are not needed. Since the key is to keep the skin calm and non-irritated, opt for lukewarm water. Water that is too hot or cold could lead to an eczema outbreak. Soap helps to keep our body clean, but it also removes natural oils from the skin. Once again, opt for all-natural products or use them sparingly, keeping the skin contact short.
Being cautious when taking a bath or a shower will not cure your eczema, but it can help you manage and treat this common, yet frustrating skin condition.
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